If you are looking for unconventional colors in a bouquet, then get this Yellow Gerbera Love arrangement. The arrangement is mostly green with few yellow gerbera daisies thatadd brightness to the bouquet.
The Yellow Gerbera Love bouquet is made of Yellow Gerberas, Green Hydrangea, Bells of Ireland, Green Athos, and Italian Ruscus in a white ceramic container.
Gerbera daisies are a symbol of purity, innocence and beauty while the yellow color is representative of happiness, warmth, friendship and care. And the green color represents good luck and tranquility. All in all, this bouquet is a perfect gift for your loved ones. Gift it on anniversaries, birthdays, Mothers’ Day or send it as ‘get well soon’ flowers or ‘congratulations’ flowers. This combination of green and yellow will definitely uplift the mood of the receiver.
Since we place the utmost importance on using only fresh and the best quality flowers in all our flower bouquets and floral arrangements, based on availability, the actual product design, colors, varieties, and container may slightly vary from the picture shown above.
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